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EMMYS EXCLUSIVE: Winner Reactions

You saw the top winners of the 40th Annual Daytime Entertainment Awards accept their honors on stage, but guess what? Soap Opera Network went the extra mile and caught up with each and every soap opera winner just as they exited the grand stage! What were they thinking when their name was called? Where will they put their gorgeous gold men? And how will they celebrate being the top actors in their field? Read on to find out!

By Kambra Clifford
National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences

National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences

Jill Johnson/JPI Studios
Jill Johnson/JPI Studios

You saw the top winners of the 40th Annual Daytime Entertainment Awards accept their honors on air, but guess what? Soap Opera Network went the extra mile and caught up with each and every soap opera winner to get an exclusive reaction backstage! What were they thinking when their name was called? Where will they put their gorgeous gold statue? And how will they celebrate being the top actors in their field? Read on to find out!

Steven Bergman Photography
Steven Bergman Photography

Doug Davidson (Paul Williams, “The Young and the Restless”) — Outstanding Lead Actor

Congratulations on your very first win! What is going though your mind right now?
This is a body of work that spans 35 years for me, so it’s a relief to get a win out of the way. So I mean, it’s incredible. And I’ve got Jeanne [Cooper, Katherine Chancellor, “Y&R”] in heaven now, so I think she had something to do with it.

Jill Johnson/JPI Studios
Jill Johnson/JPI Studios

Billy Miller (Billy Abbott, “Y&R”) — Outstanding Supporting Actor (Tie)

This is amazing! You won another Emmy!
I did! It’s fantastic.

Were you expecting it? Or was it really a surprise this time around?
I expected to hear Scott’s [Clifton, Liam Spencer, “The Bold and the Beautiful”] name, and since it was a tie, I figured I’d hear Bradford’s [Anderson, Damien Spinelli “General Hospital”] name right after that. I didn’t hear my name, even when they said it. I said, “What?!” And thank God Scott took up the entire speech, because I didn’t come up with one!

Where are you going to put your new Emmy?
I’m going to put it next to the other one. Make it symmetrical.

Where is the other one?
In my office.

How are your going to celebrate tonight?
All of CBS Daytime is celebrating together, as we should, and I have an entire group of rowdy friends in LA that are probably starting bonfires! So I’ve got a long night ahead of me, I think — and an early morning, because I’m going on “The Talk.” So Visine, Visine, Visine!

Jill Johnson/JPI Studios
Jill Johnson/JPI Studios

Scott Clifton (Liam Spencer, “The Bold and the Beautiful”) — Outstanding Supporting Actor (Tie)

What goes through your mind when you win an Emmy?
Up until now, what’s been going through my mind is “Psheladdjfdfjdakdjfk!” it’s not really coherent yet. “Hurry!” was something going though my mind, and I didn’t really accomplish that as much as I would have liked, because I took up all of Billy [Miller’s] time, and I feel like such a jerk! But I didn’t really understand how the timing was working. But this is just too cool! I don’t really know what to say.

Where are you going to put it?!
Well my other one is just sitting on a bookshelf, so bookends!

How are you going to celebrate tonight?
I’m betting a lot of people are going to make me do shots! So that would do it, I feel!

Are you going to “The Talk” tomorrow?
Yes. Maybe I should rethink the shots thing!

Steven Bergman Photography
Steven Bergman Photography

Julie Marie Berman (Lulu Spencer, “General Hospital”) – Outstanding Supporting Actress

This isn’t your first Emmy, but it is still surprising to hear your name?
This was a surprise. I mean, I don’t know how to explain it. You come here, and you definitely hope, but at the same time, I was coming back to see my friends and I’m nominated, and I’m not on the show anymore, so it’s weird. It felt like that was wonderful enough, if you don’t win, it’s okay. And I was really in a place where I had no idea what would end up happening, and it was a surprise.

How did the onstage interview go?
I’m not sure if that’s working. I don’t know if they should be doing that! It’s fine. Giada [De Laurentiis] is so sweet, but because we have speeches and stuff, I felt like it didn’t work.

So you have two other Emmys. Where do you keep your other two, and where will this one go?
My other two are on top of a thing that holds dishes, and this will probably go somewhere squished in with them!

How will you celebrate tonight?
Champagne and good friends!

Steven Bergman Photography
Steven Bergman Photography

Heather Tom (Katie Logan, “B&B”) — Outstanding Lead Actress

Congratulations! What goes through your mind when you win an Emmy?
It was a surprise! I really didn’t think I was going to win this year.

Where do you think you’ll put this Emmy?
I think it’ll go on top of our piano.

And how will you celebrate tonight?
We’re going to be at the NATAS party and then we’re going to go to the CBS party!

Jill Johnson/JPI Studios
Jill Johnson/JPI Studios

Chandler Massey (Will Horton, “Days of our Lives”) — Outstanding Younger Actor

Congratulations! Where are you going to be putting this Emmy?
This is going to my dad and my grandfather. An whoevers house it stays at is who gets it.

That’s sweet of you. Where is your other one?
That one is up at the Beverly Glen Deli.

Oh, cool. What was your reaction when they called your name? Was it shock, was it…
I think so! It was definitely surprising, especially considering how amazing Max [Ehrich, Fenmore Baldwin, “Y&R”], Bryton [James, Devon Hamilton, “Y&R”] and Freddie [Smith, Sonny Kiriakis, “Days”] are. It was definitely a surprise.

How are you going to celebrate tonight?
I don’t know. I’m going to take [my brother], Christian, out. He’s 14 and it’s about time he becomes a man!

Well that will do it!

Steven Bergman Photography
Steven Bergman Photography

Kristen Alderson (ex-Starr Manning; Kiki Jerome, “General Hospital”] — Outstanding Young Actress

Congratulations girly! What went through your mind when they called your name?
I had absolutely no idea. I literally was joking with everyone at the table, being like, “Alright guys, just relax. Nothing is going to happen, I’m not going to get it, we’re just going to celebrate and have a good time,” and then all of a sudden, when they called my name and everyone turned around and looked at me, I was just like, “What!?!?!” Just utter shock.

Where do you think you’ll put it?
Definitely next to my TV. I mean, I know it sounds really obnoxious, but it will look really pretty there. I think that Emmys are the most beautiful award.

How are you going to celebrate tonight?
Well, we have the “GH” after-party. My mom and my brother [Eddie Alderson, ex-Matthew Buchanan, “One Life to Live] and my dad are with me, and it’s just the most exciting night that I could ever imagine.