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‘One Life’ Casting New Role

By Scotty Gore

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 11:44 PM EDT | By Scotty Gore

(SoapOperaNetwork.com) — “One Life to Live” releases a new audition script that appears to involve one of the Buchanan boys.

For nearly the fifth time in less then a week, “OLTL” has released another casting call for minor character. This time is script is for the role of ‘Garrett,’ a medical specialist who will soon be summoned to Llanview to help cure one of its recently injured citizens. The role looks to be at best recurring, or even possibly only a dayplayer.

The scene opens with ‘Natalie’ speaking to Garrett in the library of Asa’s mansion. Be advised, however, that “One Life to Live” frequently changes character names in audition scripts in an attempt to throw off fans. That being said, from the tone of the script, it appears to actually involve Rachel Gannon and her younger brother Matthew Buchanan, who of course was recently paralyzed from the waist down following a car accident. ‘Natalie’ voices her concerns to Garrett about her sister ‘Jessica’s’ upcoming surgery, which Garrett has apparently has talked her into having. Garrett replies that all he did was provide information to Jessica in order for her to weigh all of her options her options and make the right decision.

An agitated Natalie fires back and implies that if Jessica didn’t agree to the surgery that she would have went to the end of his list, to which Garrett replies that he sees no reason that the damage to her body cannot be repaired. Worried, Natalie asks him what will happen if he is wrong, and states that Jessica has only recently begun to accept her condition. Afterward, she realizes that Jessica is still her sister and only wants her to be happy. Garrett assures Natalie that Jessica is not happy in her present state. But Natalie remains concerned about her sister, and wants to be sure that she isn’t taken in by a conman. Still she says that their father has contacted numerous specialists and none were able to match his claims, to which Garrett is quick to respond that it looks like they found the right person for the job.

As the scene begins to draw to a close, Natalie worries that Garrett is just out to make a name for himself. However, he assures her of his dedication to his profession and recalls how he studied extra hard in medical school in order to become a better than average doctor. He goes on to say that he only wants to work miracles for his patients and change their lives for the better, which prompts Natalie to claim he only will if paid a large fee. As the scene ends, Garrett warns Natalie that if she wants to play boss that she can have at it but, as for him, he is certain that he and he alone can return Jessica’s life to the normalcy she once enjoyed.

Again, it is important to note that Jessica and Natalie are likely only code names and will not be a part of this scene when it actually airs. Instead it is more probable that it will instead feature Matthew and Rachel.

Although it is impossible to pinpoint an exact air date for this scene, given the role is still in the casting process, but it could possibly air sometime between late spring or early summer.

“One Life to Live” airs Weekdays on ABC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.

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