AMC PreVUE: Week of September 29 Edition

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AMC PreVUE: Week of September 29 Edition

By Angela Rosa
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 5:00 PM | By Angela Rosa

( — Beware of the signs.


Adam leaves Annie in a pickle when he recants his tale about the gun in her room. Babe and JR are being watched. Babe gets news that leads her to suspect that the Bella samples may be tainted. Annie accuses Kendall of concentrating on everyone else in order to avoid focusing on her own relationship with Zach. Pete fills Adam in on what Erica’s really up to. Erica and Adam privately think about the kiss they shared. Krystal frets over Opal’s prediction of doom while Jesse and Erica choose to ignore it. JR, Babe and Adam are disbelieving of Annie’s claim that she was attacked. Jesse gets a surprise outside of his door.

The Inside Story: Just Like a Pill

Taylor takes the sedative Frankie prescribed her and calmly gets through her therapy session. Taylor feels certain that she’ll be cleared for redeployment. Jake knows Taylor is on something despite her denials and turns to Frankie for answers. Amanda plans a seduction for Jake. Taylor is shaken to find Jake and Amanda, donned in Brot’s shirt, in bed after returning home from a rough therapy session. Jakes finds Taylor at his cabin. Taylor opens up to Jake and admits to how deeply she misses Brot.

A Closer Look: Hidden Passions

Greenlee reaches out to Ryan. Greenlee and Ryan resist sharing a kiss. Ryan pushes Greenlee away. A shaken Greenlee confronts Kendall and blames her for her predicament. Ryan tells Annie that he’s filing for divorce and full custody of Emma. Aidan confronts Greenlee on lying about seeing Ryan. Greenlee tells Ryan they can no longer be friends. Ryan sets Annie straight after she jumps to the wrong conclusion. Ryan and Greenlee can’t get their minds off one another. Aidan secretly plants a listening device on Greenlee’s earring.


  • Monday: Kendall learns the truth about the tainted perfume. Annie turns to Zach for help. Jake tries to get Taylor to open up to him.
  • Tuesday: Aidan keeps a close eye – and ear – on Greenlee. Adam makes a move against Fusion. Taylor pulls away from Jake.
  • Wednesday: Ryan tells Kendall to concentrate on her own life instead of his. Colby is impressed by Pete despite herself. Annie plays into Zach’s hands.
  • Thursday: Zach knows what Annie did last summer. Greenlee struggles to remain faithful to Aidan. Kendall, Greenlee and Amanda try to do damage control.

  • Friday: Zach forces Annie to do the right thing. Aidan admits the truth to Greenlee. Jesse’s past catches up to him.