Update on Jeanne Cooper: ‘She’s in the Final Stages’

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Update on Jeanne Cooper: ‘She’s in the Final Stages’

After being released from the hospital this past weekend, Jeanne Cooper (Katherine Chancellor, "The Young and the Restless") was sadly readmitted on Wednesday. With posts on Facebook, Cooper's son, Corbin Bernsen, has been keeping friends and fans all around the world up-to-date on his mom's current condition and things aren't looking good. The actor said in one of his recent postings, "Please know that I'm not saying my mother's life has ended, it hasn't, but no matter how you slice it, she is in the final stages, whether it lasts an hour, day, month or years. I had to say 'goodbye' to her tonight 'just in case' as I'm traveling tomorrow to Vancouver for 'Psych.'"

By Errol Lewis
The Young and the Restless
"The Young and the Restless"
Sony Pictures Television
Jill Johnson/JPI Studios
Jill Johnson/JPI Studios

After being released from the hospital this past weekend, Jeanne Cooper (Katherine Chancellor, “The Young and the Restless”) was sadly readmitted on Wednesday. With posts on Facebook, Cooper’s son, Corbin Bernsen, has been keeping friends and fans all around the world up-to-date on his mom’s current condition and things aren’t looking good. The actor said in one of his recent postings, “Please know that I’m not saying my mother’s life has ended, it hasn’t, but no matter how you slice it, she is in the final stages, whether it lasts an hour, day, month or years. I had to say ‘goodbye’ to her tonight ‘just in case’ as I’m traveling tomorrow to Vancouver for ‘Psych.'”

Below is a breakdown of Bernsen’s most recent Facebook postings:

CORBIN BERNSEN | MAY 3, 2013 10:01 AM ET

Heading to Vancouver for a new season of Psych. As you can imagine my stomach is somewhat in knots. But know that your kind words and abundance of love for both myself and my mother have helped me through the night and into today – and to some degree – in letting go. “Let go, let God” my mother often says. That is my battle right now. Maybe soaring in the clouds this morning will help, I often closer to my faith up there, above the bounds of earth. The funny thing about what’s going on with my mom is that, while she is gravely ill, and at an advanced age, and will certainly be less of what “she was,” nobody has come out and said flat out that she is eminently terminal. Some of these things can be overcome and that’s why I’ve been reporting on these miraculous turns. That is the metaphoric “Purgatory” I spoke about yesterday, that place of between here and there, waiting for the hand to swing one way or the other pointing us in a certain direction. All the while, the efforts to even overcome the current obstacles are so… intrusive, horrifying, that I’m not sure about the battle. Again, metaphorically – the boxer still has fight and a potential to win (for the short term only – his title will certainly be taken away sooner or later), but he’s still there sitting in a corner, bloody, unrecognizable, and his will to come out swinging isn’t diminished. That is what it’s like. So letting go, is more difficult. Unless, and I just came to this through this writing… hmmmm. is that “letting go” is letting go of all of it! Wow. I’ll take to the air and somewhere above the clouds think on that. Again, I can’t tell you how much I love you guys for being here for us and your generosity.

CORBIN BERSEN | MAY 3, 2013 1:40 AM ET

Tested today. My faith, my strength, my very beliefs. End of life sucks. It’s a terrible thing. I don’t know many cases of “grandma went off peacefully in her sleep.” Instead it seems more often it’s a battle, a fight to go beyond our expiration date. And maybe there’s the problem, one we create. Pushing the limits. I asked God many times today, why. Why would you give us this incredible life and end it so miserably? Okay, yes, there is more beyond this life, and I do believe that, but why end “this” one so in opposition to the beauty you have created? I”m praying for enlightenment on this. I think I understand it, but it’s not clear.

Please know that I’m not saying my mother’s life has ended, it hasn’t, but no matter how you slice it, she is in the final stages, whether it lasts an hour, day, month or years. I had to say “goodbye” to her tonight “just in case” as I’m traveling tomorrow to Vancouver for Psych. I have prayed for her recovery – some sort of recovery – and earlier this week got a hint of it. But then I saw her tonight, connected once again to so many tubes and machines “healing her.” And there is a difference – yes they are keeping her alive just as antibiotics would do for an infection – but they are more or less there to help in her short term recovery. Is she in a natural decent toward the end? Not sure. Is there a future? Not sure? And if so, what kind of future? Even less sure.

So I said my goodbyes tonight, had a good release of emotion and then left the room, more uncertain thanI have ever been about so many things. I wish I could be more positive for you tonight, but I reserve the right in this space to be plain, simple and honest. I know it’s only in that realm that I will find the answers I’m looking for right now. I love you mom. I’m giving it up to you and God to find peace in this world or the next.