DAYS PreVUE: Week of November 21 Edition

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DAYS PreVUE: Week of November 21 Edition

A look at what's happening on "Days of Our Lives" during the week of November 21, 2011.

By Gehrig Burnett Jr.

Mitchell Haaseth/NBC

( — A look at what’s happening on “Days of Our Lives” during the week of November 21, 2011.


Will and Rafe find Johnny hiding in the Brady pub on Monday, November 21. Rafe and Johnny share a loving reunion. Unaware that Johnny has already been found, Nicole helps Brady and Madison put up posters for missing Johnny. Nicole defends EJ to Brady and confides in Madison about her confusing feelings for EJ. Nicole is elated when she finds out Johnny has been found, and goes to tell EJ. Madison and Brady share an embrace but Madison backs off yet again. Abigail and Austin bump into each other on Tuesday, November 22 and strike up an easy rapport despite their age difference. When Carrie texts to say she’ll come and meet Austin, Abby leaves but realizes she enjoyed her evening more than she expected. Jack visits Jennifer and tells her he understands her anger. He goes into more detail about his captivity and how it changed him. Jennifer is deeply affected by his honesty. Jack admits he needs help. Hope confronts Stefano about the phoenix paperweight on Wednesday, November 23. Stefano artfully sidesteps by paying tribute to Hope’s tenacious attitude and their shared history. He cautions Hope to let the secret of dead people lie because she might not like what she finds out. John and Marlena try to be optimistic, believing their love will see them through this nightmare as it always has. Carrie delivers a persuasive speech to the judge for leniency, but John refuses to speak on his own behalf. Marlena is crushed as John is led away to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

“Days of our Lives” will be pre-empted on Thursday, November 24, 2011 and Friday, November 25, 2011.

The Inside Story: Guilty Conscience

Chris Haston/NBC

Believing Johnny is dead, Sami and EJ come together in their grief and have animalistic sex to block out their despair on Monday, November 21. Will goes to the DiMera mansion and spies his mother and EJ making love. Stunned and disgusted over her betrayal of Rafe, Will backs away without making his presence known. Sami and EJ come to their senses and are horrified by what they have done.  Sami gets the message from Rafe that Johnny is alive. They both want to rush to see their son, but Sami warns EJ can’t come with her because no one can ever find out they had sex. Sami returns home and is reunited with Johnny. Sami apologizes to Rafe, who mistakenly assumes she’s referring to blaming him for Johnny’s disappearance. Will looks at his mother, bitter over her shameful behavior. Nicole arrives at the DiMera mansion where EJ’s still grappling with what happened with Sami.  He’s stunned when Nicole declares her love for him. In the aftermath of Johnny’s homecoming, Sami and EJ feel nothing but private guilt and self loathing on Tuesday, November 22. Unsettled Sami doesn’t know why Will’s acting the way he is. Rafe is protective of Sami when she becomes upset with Will’s questions.  Sami feels guiltier as Rafe showers her with love. Later, she can’t bear looking at herself in a mirror and breaks it. EJ is wracked with guilt especially now that Nicole has decided to give their relationship another chance. They go to the loft, where EJ is reunited with his son. Only Will knows why Sami and EJ are uneasy around each other but keeps mum.

A Closer Look: Thanksgiving in Salem

Jennifer, Jack, Abe, Lexie, Chad and Abigail gather at the pub to make Thanksgiving food boxes for the homeless on Wednesday, November 23. Abigail is pleased when Austin shows up without Carrie. After Abigail leads Chad to believe she’s preoccupied because her father is watching them, Chad appeals to Jack for a truce.  Jack shakes his hand, but will reserve judgment. Jack reveals he’s been offered a job teaching  journalism at Salem U.  Abigail isn’t sure she wants her father working on campus, but is more enthusiastic when she hears Austin has also been offered a job teaching forensic accounting.  Maggie brings Victor, Daniel and Melanie to her old kitchen to prepare Thanksgiving dinner. Daniel and Melanie are touched to be included, especially after Daniel discovers Maggie made a recipe his mother used to make. Maggie wants Daniel and Melanie to get tested to see if they are preconditioned to also get myasthenia gravis. Daniel talks to Melanie and Victor about his stalled relationship with Jennifer. Victor cautions all is fair in love and war.  Melanie admits to Daniel there is someone she likes (Chad) but it will never happen.

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