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OLTL PreVUE: Week of June 8 Edition

By Scotty Gore
Friday, June 5, 2009 8:00 AM ET | By Scotty Gore

(SoapOperaNetwork.com) — Love is in the air.  


Love is in the air as Charlie suprises Viki with a marriage proposal on Monday, June 8.  Also, Nora is taken aback when Clint suggest that they pick an early wedding date.  On Friday, June 12, Renee makes the suggestion that both couples could tie the knot in a double ceremony. Elsewhere in Llanview, Bo finds it difficult to lure John back to the LPD.  Schuyler reveals details of his and Stacy’s Las Vegas life to Gigi on Tuesday, June 9.  Stacy and Rex share a lighter moment as they wash dishes.  While eavesdropping on Gigi and Schuyler’s conversation, Shane learns that his mother lied when she said that she had slept with Brody.  And Stacy reassures Shane that what he overheard was just another of his mother’s lies.   Stacy open up to Rex.  Dorian reveals to Moe and Noelle that she has grown to appreciate and respect Ray.  However, on Wednesday, June 10, she is heartbroken when Ray informs her that he is leaving town.  By Friday, June 12, a miserable Dorian can’t seem to steer clear of happy couples.     

The Inside Story: Love Conquers All
Baby Hope is returned to her excited, nervous parents on Monday, June 8. Blair realizes that her daughter is having second thoughts about giving away her baby, while Cole holds his baby for the first time.  Meanwhile, Marcie and Michael each make promises to the other that their love will never die.  Although she has been experiencing conflicting emotions, Starr ultiamtely signs the adoption papers.  Cole holds Starr as she breaks down in his arms.  At Llanfair, Jessica is overwraught with guilt over Chloe’s death.  Vowing to stand beside the woman he loves through her heartwrenching ordeal, Broday assures Jessica that he is there to stay.  However, Jessica asks him how he could possibly love her considering what has happened. On Thursday, June 11, Jessica mourns her loss, and comes to terms with her sister’s actions in keeping the truth from her.  At the same time, Natalie makes amends with Marcie and Michael.  As Starr reveals to Langston that she had to push herself to sign the adoption papers, Marcie begins to feel bad for Starr.  Coles spots Michael and Hope together at the diner.  Later, Marcie accidently overhears Langston inform Markko of Jessica’s hesitation.  Jessica finds some joy in spending time with Brody and Bree.  Starr and Cole grow closer as they grieve. On Friday, June 12, Marcie informs Michael that they need to have a talk concerning what is best for Hope. Afterward, Starr is surprised to find Marcie at her door with the baby. 

A Closer Look: Family Ties
Todd and Blair call a truce in honor of their grandchild, however it proves to be short-lived, as the pair battle for custody of their children on Tuesday, June 9.  Todd reminds Blair that legally, he still has custody of them, however Blair is able to convince him to allow Starr to stay with her, considering everything she has been through.  After walking out with Jack and Sam, Todd visits Téa in the hospital and welcomes her to stay with him and the boys.  Meanwhile, Marty holds nothing back when she tells John exactly how she feels about him on Tuesday, June 9.  As Marty informs him that she hopes they can pick up where they left off, Blair searches for John so that they can discuss their marriage.  At the same time, Téa catches up with Viki, whom she tells that Todd is her one true love.  On Wednesday, June 10, Téa moves into Todd’s guest room while she recovers, telling him that she won’t sleep with him again until she is back to her old self.  Across town, John makes it clear to a remorseful Blair that there’s will be a marriage in name only, and later tells Marty that he is ready to be with her.  Blair, meanwhile, feels even more depressed upon seeing Todd, Téa. and the boys looking and acting very much like a family.  By Friday, June 12, Marty is called to the witness stand at Todd and Blair’s custody hearing.  After giving her testimony, she arrives at Llanview High just as Cole is about to graduate.  However, he is disheartened that his real diploma won’t arrive until after he passes summer school.  Following the ceremony, Cole bumps into Asher while on the docks. 

One Life to Live News and Headlines


  • An inebriated Dorian crahses Langston’s party. (SOAPnet)

“One Life to Live” airs Weekdays on ABC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.

Discussion: OLTL PreVUE: Week of June 8 Edition