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OLTL PreVUE: Week of March 3 Edition

By Scotty Gore
Todd is out for blood–Cole’s.
Saturday, March 1, 2008 12:54 PM | By Scotty Gore

(SoapOperaNetwork.com) — A father’s love?


Nora and Dorian reach a stalemate in their confrontation when Roxy reveals that Dorian can also be seen on the surveillance tape. An absent minded Dorian attempts to set the tape on fire, which results in the sprinkler system activating at Buchanan Enterprises. John, Talia, and Antonio discover that Ramsey is more powerful then they thought. Nora confesses when Clint demands an answer from a drenched Nora and Dorian. Viki stops Natalie from harassing Charlie, and tells her that Charlie has been truthful with her. Gigi fights her feelings and is concerned of Shane’s growing relationship with Rex. Michael explains to Natalie and Jessica that Allison opening her eyes was only an involuntary reflex and that she remains in a coma. Nash tells Jessica how Jared helped her and Natalie.

Bo and Clint are determined to fight Virgil Webster without getting their hands dirty. Later, they meet with Mr. Webster, who assures them that the Buchanans are
no match for him and that he will destroy Asa’s empire and legacy. Bo leaves in a huff, however Clint makes an unexpected move. Rex suggests that Gigi be hired as Natalie’s secretary at BE. Gigi is excited to be offered a job at BE.


Blair’s encounter with Ramsey leaves Todd very uneasy. Cole and Langston are devastated at the thought of Starr moving to Hawaii and discover that they really don’t have feelings for one another after all. Starr pleads with Todd not to move the family away from Llanview, and accuses him of doing so just to keep her away from Cole. Heartbroken, Starr makes plans to spend her last hours in town together with Cole in Langston’s old house. Langston and Markko cover for Starr and Cole, only to be found by an enraged Todd. Starr and Cole share their pain over being torn apart. A short time later, Todd finds the two lovebirds together. Blair attempts to convince Todd that moving to Hawaii may not be the best thing
for them to do. Nora becomes angry when Bo wonders if she’s really up to the challenge of being Cole’s legal guardian. A desperate Langston tips off Blair to the fact that Todd is out for blood. Blair arrives just in the nick of time as Todd is about to strangle Cole with his bare hands. After Blair demands that Todd leave, Starr assures her consoling mother that she and Cole did not have sex. Todd promises to kill Cole if he ever comes near Starr again. Upon seeing Cole’s injuries, John sets out after Todd. Blair and Starr are forced to break up a fight between Todd and John. Todd accuses Cole of raping Starr and demands justice. Blair is unable to talk any sense into Todd, whose anger frightens Langston.
Starr states that she will never be able to forgive her father for what he has done.


– Blair realizes just how hard Dorian took her breakup with Clint.

– Jared has a difficult time controlling his jealousy of Natalie’s closeness to John.

– Talia and Antonio enjoy their night out.

– Nora delivers devastating news to Antonio and Cristian.

– Layla and Sarah ask Talia to be their new roommate.

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Monday: Todd stops all contact between Starr and Cole; Antonio finds himself in financial trouble; Ramsey tells Nora that she can be replaced as DA.

Tuesday: Todd threatens Cole with jail time; Jessica informs Charlie of Viki and Dorian’s true relationship; John and Nora work to figure out how Ramsey got Bo’s job.

Wednesday: Dorian will keep Charlie’s secret-but with strings attached; Nash meets with a mysterious new business partner; Viki assures Marcie that she has forgiven her.

Thursday: Ramsey makes a decision concerning Antonio; Jared beats Dorian at her own game.

Friday: Starr forces herself to break up with Cole; Viki and Charlie vow not to let Dorian come between them; Jared is oblivious to the fact that someone has caught his confession on tape.

Pictured: Trevor St. John courtesy Yolanda Perez/ABC

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