Big Week Ahead for ‘DAYS’’ Hope and Aiden; Reveal of Shocking Secrets Leads to ‘Never Done Before’ Scene On NBC Soap!

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Big Week Ahead for ‘DAYS’’ Hope and Aiden; Reveal of Shocking Secrets Leads to ‘Never Done Before’ Scene On NBC Soap!

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And things are looking pretty smoky this week for “Days of our Lives’” Hope (Kristian Alfonso) and Aiden (Daniel Cosgrove), who find themselves on the precipice of a new direction after Hope unlocks the single dad’s secret past! But what does the shocking information mean for the couple’s future? Soap Opera Network spoke with Alfonso and Cosgrove to find out!

By Kambra Clifford
Howard Wise/JPI Studios
Howard Wise/JPI Studios
Howard Wise/JPI Studios

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And things are looking pretty smoky this week for “Days of our Lives’” Hope (Kristian Alfonso) and Aiden (Daniel Cosgrove), who find themselves on the precipice of a new direction after Hope unlocks the single dad’s secret past! But what does the shocking information mean for the couple’s future? Soap Opera Network spoke with Alfonso and Cosgrove to find out!

The slow burn between Hope and Aiden has finally escalated into the pair declaring themselves a full blown couple, but with Bree (Marie Wilson) suddenly showing up in Salem, Hope is finally scratching her head and wondering what, exactly, Aiden’s been hiding about his mysterious past. “It’s something really painful, obviously, but Hope really doesn’t know what it is… But what happens this week is Bree opens Hope’s eyes to [the fact that] she’s never investigated him, she’s never put her detective hat on,” Alfonso reveals. “She [already began] to think, ‘Something is there,’ but now, with Bree, her eyes are wide open [and she’s thinking] ‘What’s going on?’”

“This is going to be a big week for Hope and Aiden,” adds Cosgrove. “Aiden is forced to kind of bring forth his mysterious past because little Miss Detective over there does a little snooping.


“He actually walks in, she’s doing a little search, something comes up, and he’s like, “Oh, shit!’” he continues. “And Hope says, ‘You know what? I don’t need to search for anything about you. I’d like you to tell me.’ And then that’s when Aiden is like, ‘Ok, I’ve got to make a decision here. How do I feel about this woman? I think I really like her. I like her a lot. I think I’m going to tell her. I have to tell her.’ And he does. He tells her a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff we’ve kind of been hinting at throughout the year — of his aversion to alcohol, what happened with his wife, what’s going on with his wife. And it all comes out this week.”

READ MORE: ‘DAYS’’ Kristian Alfonso and Daniel Cosgrove Share Details of Aiden and Hope’s Budding Romance in Their First Joint Interview!

However, as Cosgrove points out, even though many questions are answered, there is still a lot more to Aiden’s past than meets the eye. “This is just the beginning. There are some little twists and turns along the way. It’s not like, “Ok, here’s some story. Done,’” he says. “There’s definitely some developments that happen later on. But I’m pretty excited about this week. I’ve been waiting for a year to do this kind of work. When I got the scripts… I was very excited, because I felt like, ‘Wow, I haven’t been able to do this amount of work in years.’”

John Paschal/JPI Studios
John Paschal/JPI Studios

Not knowing exactly what else is in Aiden’s past had the actor playing detective just like Hope. He admits that he even grilled his former “As the World Turns” co-star, Marie Wilson, for any information she knew! “[I asked] ‘What do you know? What’s going on? What’s your story? Are you working a lot? What’s going on?’” he recalls with a laugh. “She’s fantastic, so for her to be a part of it, I was excited. I didn’t get the chance to work with her [at ‘ATWT’], but I think she’s a talented and beautiful woman.”

As for whether or not Aiden’s secret past threatens his future with Hope, it doesn’t look to be so — at least for now. In fact, Alfonso reveals that after her alter ago gets the full scoop about Aiden’s past this week, something pretty major happens! “Let’s just say that on Friday, they have their first love scene on air,” she teases, adding that viewers are in for quite an unexpected treat. “Let me just say this: They’ve never shot a love scene like this before. We can’t wait to see it, because it’s very… Well, you’ll see!”

To catch the exciting scenes, be sure to tune into “Days of our Lives” on NBC!