UPDATE: Prospect Park and ABC’s Legal Dispute Escalates as One Actor Confirms ‘GH’ Exit

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UPDATE: Prospect Park and ABC’s Legal Dispute Escalates as One Actor Confirms ‘GH’ Exit

As previously reported, Michael Easton along with Kristen Alderson and Roger Howarth are currently at the center of a legal dispute between Prospect Park and Disney/ABC Domestic Television, part of the Disney/ABC Telvision Group, over who has the right to use the characters of John McBain (Easton), Starr Manning (Alderson) and Todd Manning (Howarth)). In one corner you have Prospect Park and "One Life to Live" and in the other you have ABC and "General Hospital." Unfortunately for the fans, no one is "winning." According to one of the affected actors, after Friday, February 8, they "cannot be at 'General Hospital'" any longer.

By Errol Lewis
Disney/ABC Television Group
Comings and Goings


Yolanda Perez/ABC
Yolanda Perez/ABC

UPDATE 8:09 AM ET: In an update to his original Facebook message, Easton says that he wasn’t trying to “upset anybody” with his previously mentioned words, which had sparked outrage across social media networks from fans of the actor and character, who were upset to hear of his pending exit from “General Hospital.” The actor also says that the matter between Prospect Park and ABC may “take some time and some very bright people to resolve.”

Michael Easton Facebook Message Update

Didn’t mean to upset anybody, was just trying to address the birthday stuff. Honestly not sure what the future holds but I think it’s going to take some time and some very bright people to resolve it. Thank you again for all your kindness and support…


PREVIOUS: 2:19 AM ET: As previously reported, Michael Easton along with Kristen Alderson and Roger Howarth are currently at the center of a legal dispute between Prospect Park and Disney/ABC Domestic Television, part of the Disney/ABC Telvision Group, over who has the right to use the characters of John McBain (Easton), Starr Manning (Alderson) and Todd Manning (Howarth)). In one corner you have Prospect Park and “One Life to Live” and in the other you have ABC and “General Hospital.” Unfortunately for the fans, no one is “winning.” According to one of the affected actors, after Friday, February 8, they “cannot be at ‘General Hospital'” any longer.

In a Facebook posting just a short time ago, Michael Easton reached out to his fans to inform them that due to a dispute between both companies, fans who wish to send him trinkets, cards, etc as he gets ready to celebrate his 46th birthday (February 15th), should know that after the 8th, the “GH” studio is not the place to send them. You can read Easton’s message below.

It’s understood that Easton’s last day at “GH” would also likely be the last day for Alderson and Howarth as well, pending a resolution to the Prospect Park/ABC dispute. “General Hospital” currently films three weeks ahead of airdate, which means the actors would likely last air around the end of February or early March, as expected.

Michael Easton’s Facebook Message


I heard a rumor of some lovely people who were going to stop by the studio for a certain riff raff’s birthday. Some others who wanted to deliver a cake. Even more wonderful folks who wanted to send cards and treats and I want you to know I am incredibly humbled by these gestures but unfortunately I will not be around to enjoy them. I’ve been informed, that due to some ongoing legal this and that, I cannot be at “General Hospital” after February 8th and since I know many of you go to great trouble to do something special, I just don’t want to see anybody’s efforts go to waste (especially the lovely person who always sneaks in the fine Irish Whiskey). If it’s not too bold, may I suggest a donation to The American Cancer Society instead. Then some good will have come out of this…

…Miss you guys already.