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Y&R Recap: Friday, September 30, 2011

"The Young and the Restless" Episode Recap - Friday, September 30, 2011

By Venus Stone-Cutter

(SoapOperaNetwork.com) — “The Young and the Restless” Episode Recap – Friday, September 30, 2011.


Detective Mauro was pleased with the progress that Ronan was making on the case. He studied one of the pillows that were in Diane’s suite, wondering if it was a clue of some sort. As he was looking at that, a police officer came to him with a torn page from the diary belonging to Diane. Ronan read the torn page and was quick to make his move on the suspect that was listed from what he read.

Phyllis was at the Athletic Club when Ronan arrived. He purposely shared that he was narrowing his list of suspects and that Nick and Ashley were both on the top o the list. Phyllis argued that many people were in the park that night; not just Ashley and Nick. Ronan, however brought up the telephone calls between the two of them the night Diane was murdered. When Phyllis left in a hurry, Ronan was more than pleased to have rattled her.

Nick was upset to get a ransom note in his mailbox, demanding $50, 000. The first person that he called was Ashley. Together, they both believed that Adam was behind the note. Nick expressed being frustrated by the threats and shared that he was more than determined to keep the phone records from coming out. As the two were talking, Phyllis showed up. She told them that she ran into Ronan, who brought their names up in discussion. Before Phyllis could go on with what she was told, Ashley had to leave when she received a phone call from Abby. Nick told Ashley that he would be telling Phyllis everything that had happened. Once alone, Nick told Phyllis everything, including the threat for money. Phyllis offered to help Nick by setting up a meeting with the cash. She would capture the person behind the threats on a recording. Nick was happy that he opened up to Phyllis. The two shared a steamy kiss before Nick left to go get the ransom money.

Abby went to Victoria’s house. She was surprised to see Victor there. She shared the news that she had planned on going to college. Just then, Victor and Abby received an alert on their phones, while Victoria received the same on her laptop. The alert was a headline about Victor and Abby being questioned about Diane’s murder. Victor deduced that it was Ronan’s doing. Victor gave Abby a warning: don’t let the likes of Ronan get to her.

Ronan, meanwhile, met Adam at the Athletic Club with the information about the diary. Adam didn’t know that she had even written about him in a diary. Ronan pulled out the torn diary page and shared the information that Diane had written about him wanting to kill her. Ronan pointed out that it was after his indictment. Adam placed the blame on Ronan, stating that he was doing whatever he could to frame him. Ronan said he either go with him to the police station willingly or he’d drag him down there himself. When they got there, Adam refused to implicate himself. Just at that moment, Victor stormed into the office, demanding to know why Ronan had leaked information to the papers about him and Abby being questioned for Diane’s murder. Victor told Ronan he was not at the park when Diane was killed; Adam piped in that he wasn’t there either. Not backing down, Ronan played the tape of Adam and Victor. He was confident that the tape could do a lot of damage to them both, but Victor said that that tape was recorded without either of their consent. He threatened to sue the police station and stormed out of the police station. Adam attempted to leave but Ronan threatened to arrest him based on the information found in the torn diary page.

Heather’s arrival messed up Ronan’s attempt in making arrest against Adam. She told him that there wasn’t enough for him to go on in order to make the arrest. Ronan, however, felt that Heather was focusing more on protecting Adam. Ronan had no choice but to let Adam leave the police station.

Ashley went to Victoria’s where she met with Abby. She was shown the online headline about Abby and Victor. Victor returned to Victoria’s and told Victoria and Ashley that they were in fact questioned. Abby was scared that the tape of her confession would be found. Ashley learned that Victoria was already aware of the taped confession. Abby admitted that she was there when Ronan opened the lockbox, thinking that the tape would be in there. She shared with the group that Ronan found Diane’s diary in the box instead.

Nick and Phyllis were at the warehouse. Phyllis was hidden with her phone in hand. Nick called out to the person he was to meet, demanding that they show their face before they got their money. Nick and Phyllis both were floored to see Ronan emerge, along with Det. Mauro and a police officer. Ronan took them down to the police station. There at the station, Ronan read Nick the riot act for trying to hide his cell phone information. Nick, however, refused to talk to him without his attorney. It didn’t matter to Ronan. He revealed that Diane’s found diary could have been motive for them both wanting her dead.

Determined to rattle more cages within the Newman/Abbott household, Ronan called Abby. He requested she put him on speaker phone, aware that she was with Victoria, Victor and Ashley. He told Victor that the paper would place an apology to him for putting his questioning in the newspaper. Ronan then shifted the gears and started to ask Abby what Diane had on her. Before Abby could answer, Victoria spoke up for her. During the phone interrogation, Ronan told Victor that it would be in Abby’s best interest to come clean. He also shared about Ashley admitting to have gotten into an argument with Diane, and Victor being at the park that night. He told Victoria that because of that information about her father, it blew her alibi out of the water. When Ronan failed to get them to confess, he hung up the phone. Victor and Ashley both thought that Ronan didn’t have any solid proof on any of them.

Alone together, Victoria told Victor that she saw Victor with Diane the night she died. Meanwhile at the police station, Ronan went back to the pillows that were at the police station. He soon realized that they were clues about each of the suspects. He placed his focus on the ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun’ pillow. He tagged that to being about Abby. He soon cut open the pillow and found the memory stick inside.

Adam saw Heather at Crimson Lights, where he thanked for getting him out of staying at the police station. Heather, however, corrected him, pointing out that it was based on the lack of evidence. When Adam brought up the thought that the diary could have been forged, Heather threw it in his face that he did the exact same thing to Victor.

Adam set up a meeting with someone. When he got to the warehouse, he called the person out, telling them that they were getting out of hand. He lectured that trying to set him up for Diane’s murder was a big mistake. He went on to bring up the diary entry. The person in hiding wound up a little toy monkey. Adam walked off.

On the Next The Young and the Restless

  • The truth comes out about Abby
  • Avery continues to push Phyllis
  • Tucker stands up for Abby