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AMC Alerts: Week of May 30 Edition

By Angela Rosa
AMC Alerts: Week of May 30 Edition

(SoapOperaNetwork.com) — “All My Children” DVR Alerts for the Week of May 30, 2011.


  • Monday: (Encore Presentation; OAD 03/08/11) JR tells Marissa he wishes he could turn back the clock. Cara confronts Amanda for turning her into the feds. Kendall gives Cara a memento for her wedding. Tad and Cara exchange vows.
  • Tuesday: Bianca tells Kendall not to let her fight against Ricky become an obsession. Greenlee goes off on Ricky. Tad’s feelings for Cara grow stronger.
  • Wednesday: David is suspicious of Erica. Scott agrees to move out if that’s what Madison wants. Angie consoles Madison.
  • Thursday: Griffin becomes defensive after Ricky calls him out for being in love with Kendall. Marissa and Bianca share a somewhat romantic moment. Jake is hesitant to rehire Cara at the hospital.
  • Friday: Jane has an allergic reaction to Erica’s favorite meal. Krystal and Caleb seem to be growing closer. Jesse tells Jake he thinks Tad has real feelings for Cara.
  • All My Children
  • Alerts