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AMC PreVUE: Week of June 1 Edition

By Angela Rosa
Friday, May 29, 2009 8:00 AM EST | By Angela Rosa

(SoapOperaNetwork.com) — Can you keep a secret?


Liza wants Jake’s guarantee that once he gives her Amanda’s baby it’s for keeps. Zach recants his confession after being convinced of Kendall’s innocence. On Tuesday, June 2, Ryan comes up with an interesting plan to help take some of the heat off of Kendall. Jake fills both Liza and Amanda in on his plan to trick David, but doesn’t tell Amanda just how Liza fits into that plan. Ryan turns to Annie for an explanation after seeing Emma’s incriminating drawing on Thursday, June 4. Learning he can’t live out his dream to be a surgeon, on Friday, June 5, a despondent Frankie pushes Randi away. Angie struggles with the urge to rush to her son’s side. Annie is taken to the hospital after getting shanked in the big house. Kendall remembers more about the night of the murder. Adam jumps to Annie’s defense when he finds Ryan questioning her about the night of the murder.

The Inside Story: Other Suspects, Part One
Liza pales when she realizes Colby overheard her discussion with Jake. Liza explains some of her and Adam’s complicated history to Colby, who gains a new understanding of her parents. Pete and Colby commiserate over having dysfunctional parents. Colby snoops around Liza’s room, where she finds a packet of letters addressed to her from her mother. The young heiress learns that Adam deliberately kept her mother’s letters from her and is deeply affected when she later reads the contents. Pete notices blood on the most recent letter. Liza and Colby’s warm moment is shattered when Colby realizes some more truths about the night of the murder. Colby accuses Liza of being a cold blooded killer on Wednesday, June 3. Liza insists she didn’t shoot Stuart and explains what happened on the night of the murder to Colby. Pete informs Colby that the blood on the letter is Stuart’s and tells her that he believes her mother is the real killer. Liza asserts her innocence.

A Closer Look: Other Suspects, Part Two
Krystal show’s up on Tad’s doorstep after walking out on David. Tad invites Krystal to stay at the house for the time being. A reeling David tries to explain his behavior to Amanda on Monday, June 1. Marissa calls Krystal after finding David drunk and out of control. David pleads with Krystal to come back to him. Marissa tells a grief-stricken Scott that she knows who murdered his father. Scott arrives on the scene just as a drunken and violent David is trying to force Krystal’s wedding ring back on her finger. Scott punches David. Jesse refuses to arrest David just yet despite both Scott and Krystal’s insistence that he murdered Stuart. David insists that he didn’t pull the trigger that fateful night and explains just why he didn’t to Krystal. Marissa reaches out to to David after realizing he has nobody left. Krystal warns Marissa against getting too close to David. David has a vision of Babe, who urges him to do the right thing. A damning accusation is issued in David’s direction.

All My Children News and Headlines:


  • Adam and Annie’s growing bond comes between Aidan and Annie. (Soap Opera Weekly)
  • David tells Jesse his version of what happened on the night of Stuart’s murder. (ABC Soaps In Depth)

“All My Children” airs Weekdays on ABC. Weeknights on SOAPnet. Check local listings.