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AMC Alerts: Week of May 2 Edition

By Angela Rosa
AMC Alerts: Week of May 2 Edition

(SoapOperaNetwork.com) — “All My Children” DVR Alerts for the Week of May 2, 2011.


  • Monday: Madison faces Greenlee’s ire following another situation with Emma. Ryan asks Greenlee to remarry him. Scott’s upset when JR informs him that he plans on tearing down Stuart’s gatehouse.
  • Tuesday: Greenlee contemplates telling Ryan the truth. David taunts Greenlee about Ryan. Ryan puts the pieces together. Jesse continues to struggle with the memories of his dead baby.
  • Wednesday: Erica fakes passing out. Opal tells Krystal to back off Jackson. Angie warns Amanda against getting pregnant without Jake being on board.
  • Thursday: Scott and Madison make love. Krystal comes to Jackson and Bianca’s defense when they are bombarded by a reporter. Erica’s captor sticks her with the needle.
  • Friday: Madison tells Greenlee she did not rat her out to Ryan. Jack and Bianca have a near encounter with Erica’s captor. Kendall tries to gather information from Ricky’s computer.
  • All My Children
  • Alerts