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ATWT PreVUE: Week of June 2 Edition

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ATWT PreVUE: Week of June 2 Edition

Danger of a different kind…
Sunday, June 1, 2008 9:08 PM | By Venus Stone

(SoapOperaNetwork.com) — Danger continues to loom for Noah and Luke; and an unstable woman’s hidden agenda becomes clear…


Bonnie informs Henry she has been let go from the case regarding Gray Gerard’s estate for snooping a little too much. Upset of the outcome, Henry and Bonnie devise a plan on getting the money in the estate. Brad sticks his nose where it doesn’t belong where Janet is concerned and lands in jail, which causes Katie to once again turn to Jack for help. Carly pays a visit to the farm and heat immediately generates between her and Holden, to which Lily notices. Brenda gives Alison the news that she has been let go from the nursing program. When she learns that she has been removed from patient care, she confronts Chris.


Sophie spins her web of lies to Mike about how Paul raped her. Mike tells her she needs to press charges against Paul, but Sophie quickly gets out of doing so. When Paul has a confrontation with Mike about Sophie’s allegations, it’s Meg that stands by Paul’s side telling Mike Sophie is a liar. Mike tells Meg to wake up and admit that Paul is nothing but trouble. Realizing Meg is not backing down, an angry Mike runs to Margo. Sophie produces evidence from the first night she and Paul became intimate and uses that to her advantage.. Meanwhile, Paul and Meg are stunned when they learn Sophie has pressed charges against him for rape. Desperate to help Paul, Meg goes to Barbara with the news so they can find a way to keep him out of jail.

In New York, Luke and Noah try to get Ameera out of police custody, but are stopped by Coyle and an NYPD detective named Livia. Both tell them Noah needs to set up a meeting with Col. Mayer. Luke decides he wants to go to help but when it is time to leave, Livia knocks Luke out. Noah, who is with Coyle is being wired and then escorted on the pier where he is to meet his father. When Noah asks Col. Mayer where Ameera is, he is stunned when he sees a handcuffed Ameera being led on the pier by Coyle and Livia. Papers are soon exchanged and Ameera is left with the Mayer. Before his father can escape with Ameera, Noah jumps on board his boat.

Pictured: Jake Silbermann courtesy CBS

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